Mission Statement
Our mission is ensuring each and every student learns.
Vision Statement
THE RATIONALE for the educational mission of the Loyal School District is founded on the following precepts:
- Learning is an on-going process to which our school is but one contributor
- What is now known may change.
- Equal educational opportunity must be accessible to all students, regardless of race, gender, age, religion, handicap, or talent.
- The basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, thinking, listening, computing, evaluating, are fundamental to learning in all educational areas.
- Human relationships and the learning derived from them are of primary importance in the development of personality, emotional maturity, and mental health.
- Civic, social, religious, and economic awareness, should be interwoven into the fabric of the individual’s total education.
- Education is best achieved when students become involved in experiences meaningful to their lives in today’s world.
- Individuals differ greatly in talent and motivation.
- the school district accepts the responsibility for continuous curriculum development that will provide every district pupil with the skills to participate confidently, learn fully, and contribute meaningfully to our world.
- the educational process should develop a feeling of self-worth and accomplishment without sacrificing the quality of the curriculum.
- the tone of the school should be to encourage respect for human dignity and the opinion of others and to strengthen moral values in cooperation with the home, church, and community.
- the school district has a responsibility to educate students for future employment. Because of the rapidly evolving, ever-expanding nature of the job market, it is incumbent upon the school to provide a variety of experiences through which students can make choices about work and which instill in students a desirable work ethic.
- the educational approach should also include exposure to academic, theoretical, and abstract knowledge to enable the student to develop in his own style.
THEREFORE, the basic goals of our system are to encourage all young people to achieve individual fulfillment and to nurture the development of rational, responsible men and women. We wish to make all students aware that their personal effectiveness in our complex society depends upon their ability to think.