Career Exploration and Planning
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CAREER PLANNING: use these links as you think about your future and career options.
- XELLO: Research careers, take career-related surveys, link your interests and learning styles to potential careers, look up colleges and much more!
- CareerOneStop: A source for career exploring, including hundreds of short videos about different careers.
- My Next Move: Get your Interest Profiler results--knowing your results can help you find careers you might like to explore.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook: Published by the US Department of Labor, the Handbook gives you detailed information on several hundred different careers.
- O*Net: O*Net makes occupational information interactive and accessible for all.
- Mapping Your Future: A site that helps you plan for a career, select a school, and find options for paying for your post-secondary education.
- Learn More Resource Center: Today's students will need more than a high school diploma to get ahead. The Learn More Resource Center, Indiana's Pre-K to College Connection, helps people of all ages realize a better future. Follow the links to find information, tools, opportunities and support.
- Employment Projections: What are the hottest jobs? This site provides information about the labor market for the Nation as a whole for 10 years into the future.
- Apprenticeships: Use this link to find out more about apprenticeships in Wisconsin.
- Military: Use this link to research the various branches of the military.
- ROTC: Reserve Officer Training Corps helps college students get a start on their military career by offering training to become officers in the Army, Air Force, or the navy/Marines.
CAREER PATHWAYS: Virtual videos from a panel of experts:
- Architecture and Construction Career Panel
- Business, Finance and Marketing Career Panel
- Construction
- Health and Science Career Panel
- Hospitality, Lodging & Tourism
- Human Services, Education and Training Career Panel
- Information Technology Career Panel
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Career Panel
- Manufacturing
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Career Panel
- Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Career Panel