You've finally made it--you're a senior! Your senior year is a very important time for you--you have many decisions and jobs to do this year.
- Make sure you're on top of things ON TIME! Review your Senior To Do list.
- If you haven't visited campuses yet, do it now! Click HERE and HERE to access two "Tips for Campus Visits" handouts.
- See the Applying to College Timeline.
- Apply online to your University of Wisconsin School.
- For help on all things "UW", use their UWHELP site.
- To check out UW schools and programs, use their Find A Program site.
- Apply online to your Wisconsin Technical College.
- To explore options, check out Wisconsin's Technical Colleges and Programs.
- Apply online to your Wisconsin Private College.
- Click here to see Wisconsin's Private Colleges and programs.
- See the Financial Aid Timeline.
- Click here to see Financial Aid information.
- Access the FAFSA after December 1 of your senior year to apply for financial aid.
- Click here for scholarship information.
- Click here to see Loyal's Senior Scholarship list.
- Community Scholarships: Each year, Loyal seniors are able to fill out one, common scholarship application. Seniors' completed applications are then provided to many local scholarship providers. New, updated copies of the Community Scholarship Application will be made available each year to Loyal seniors in late December. Click HERE to see the most recent copy of the local community scholarship application (changes may be made to this application on a yearly basis).
- Draper/Hills Scholarship: Each year, Loyal seniors are present the Draper/Hills scholarship application in December. Click HERE to see the most recent copy of the Draper/Hills applications (changes may be made to this application on a yearly basis).
- Two steps to order your NTC transcripts.
- Forgot your NTC ID or password? Use these instructions for retrieving your NTC ID or password.
- If you need a list of common NTC/CVTC/dual credit/CWETN courses, their course numbers, and credits, click HERE.
- To see how your NTC and other college credits will transfer from college to college, use Transferology on the UW System page. Click here to access handout on how to use Transferology.
- Check out the AP & IB EXAMS site to see how AP/IB courses may transfer to UW schools.
- Go to the site if you wish to schedule for an ACT retest. Loyal's school number is 501-130.
- If you're attending a UW, access the UW System Placement Testing Site. Placement testing takes place in the late spring of your senior year.
- Senior males must register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday.
- If you need to ask people for letters of recommendation, click for a Letter of Recommendation Information Sheet.
- Getting ready for college? Worried about your grades? Check out the following sites related to studying for college: